Getting Started as a Contractor


App for Team Communication, Task Lists

To setup Asana join the team, you will also need an invitation from Tyler Digital.

Install the Asana iOS app

How we use it / best practices / etc.

1. Commenting sends a notification to everyone following the task, which is great for status updates. But if you’re asking for feedback, content, clarification, details, etc. it’s good practice to reassign the task from yourself to the person you’re asking. That way if the notification gets lost, it will be in that user’s inbox and it’s clear who needs to take the next step on the task.

2. We avoid using subtasks, we find they’re hard to find & see all the tasks open for a project.


App for Team COmmunication

To setup Slack and join the team, you will need an invitation from Tyler Digital.

Install the desktop app

Install the iOS app

Desktop Server

Host Local Versions of Sites in Development

Download DesktopServer Limited from

Install Desktop Server


Collaborative Code Repository

Sign up for a free account on GitHub

Download the desktop application for GitHub:



Launch the application and sign in with your username

If on a Mac, under Preferences>Advanced, install the Command Line Tools.


Download CodeKit from Incident 57

Payment Information

We need from you:

A Completed W9

Direct deposit information:

Bank Name
Account #
Routing #

How to: push github updates to asana tasks.

Github, Asana

We connect all of our new repositories with Asana, posting any new commits to the appropriate tasks.

Github needs to be told exactly which task this should be sent to, and our friend Otto Bot will post it to Asana.  This can be done by writing <Asana #[Task Number in Asana url]> in the commit description (see attached image).